Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Livonia, MI
While you may not be consciously aware of the most common and obvious symptoms of severe sleep apnea because you are sleeping through them, there are symptoms that occur while you are awake, including daytime sleepiness, and irritability. When such symptoms affect your daily experiences, contact our office to schedule an appointment. The sooner you address sleep apnea, the quicker we can help you resolve your sleepless nights.
Nighttime Symptoms
You may not be aware of symptoms that occur during sleep because your body’s response to your closed airway passages is rapid and automatic. Unless someone witnesses your symptoms, or you monitor your sleep with a visual recording, you may never know you have a sleep disorder. However, there are other ways to narrow down your diagnosis. Look over the following nighttime symptoms to get started:
- Suddenly waking up during sleep, gasping for air
- Excessive, loud snoring
- Moments during sleep when you suddenly stop breathing, then wake up and begin breathing again
Obvious Exhaustion-Associated Symptoms
Because severe sleep apnea consistently disrupts your sleep, symptoms associated with exhaustion are common and can become debilitating. Exhaustion-related issues that may inhibit your day-to-day functioning include:
- Chronic fatigue, even though you think you experienced a good night’s sleep
- Trouble concentrating, even on normal daily tasks
- Suddenly exhibiting memory problems that you never experienced before
- Irritability for no apparent reason
Painful Symptoms
Obstructive sleep apnea often causes aches and pains that you may think belong to other disorders. Pain-related symptoms can include:
- Heartburn, or the sensation of burning behind your sternum
- Acid reflux, or the sensations that occur when acid splashes back up into your esophagus – this may include a sour taste in your mouth, a burning sensation in your chest, burping, and indigestion
- Morning headaches
Commonly Overlooked Symptoms
Some symptoms are not so obvious. They may be common to a wide range of disorders, or you simply never considered their significance. Such symptoms can include:
- Dry mouth
- Falling asleep at inappropriate times, though you assume you slept through the night and should not require daytime naps
- Irregular heartbeat
- High blood pressure
- Depression
- Impotence