5 Habits To Help You Sleep Better In 2017

stewart-sleep-2017With a new year comes to chance to embrace a new you. Why not take steps to ensure you rest easier and help protect yourself form the risk of obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disorders? There are steps you can take to help you sleep better in 2017. In addition, don’t hesitate to see us if you feel exhausted, moody, or wake up gasping for air, as these could be warning signs of OSA.

Habits to Help You Sleep Better in 2017

  1. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol at Bedtime: Caffeine can make going to sleep a difficult task. In addition, drinking alcohol may make you feel initially sleepy, but can prevent you from reaching REM sleep and resting properly. In the two hours before bed, drink water instead of products containing caffeine or alcohol.
  2. Keep a Schedule: Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help you rest better. To do this, we recommend going to bed and waking up at the same times daily. You need to do this every day, even on weekends and holidays. Eventually, you may find yourself going to bed quicker and sleeping better.
  3. Watch Your Sleeping Position: When you lay on your back, you’re more likely to snore and experience apneic episodes. However, resting on your side can help prevent these issues.
  4. Remove Distractions: You should keep your bedroom screen-free! Remove the TV and/or computer. In addition, resist the urge to look at your phone before you try to drift off. Avoiding screens right before bed can help you go to sleep easier.
  5. Lose Weight: Obesity is often a risk factor behind chronic snoring and sleep apnea. Losing wright through diet and exercise may help you avoid these issues and rest better.