Who Does Sleep Apnea Affect?

womanquestiongreenFirst of all, you are well aware that sleep apnea has a significant effect on your daily life. Not only do you wake up to face a day of exhaustion but you also experience a variety of other common symptoms. Whether the side effects causing you the most grief include moodiness, trouble concentrating, a sore throat when you wake up, dry mouth, or even headaches, you may be overlooking something: This sleep disorder is certainly harming your daily quality of life – but did you ever stop to wonder who else it may be affecting? Test your knowledge to learn a bit more about what makes seeking treatment so essential.

Sleep Apnea Quiz: True or False?

  1. True or False: Sleep apnea affects not just you but also many people in your life.
  2. True or False: If you have a significant other who sleeps next to you at night, you may find that you share common symptoms.
  3. True or False: Sleep apnea may cause others to feel frustrated with your mood swings but that’s the full extent of it – you don’t pose a threat to those around you.

Answer Key

  1. True. Anyone around you will become affected by your disorder. For example, your moodiness and problems with concentration may cause frustration to those close to you or may interfere with your personal and work relationships.
  2. True. If you’re waking up hundreds of times per night, the person sleeping next to you may wake up, too. The result? Two people struggling with the symptoms resulting from your sleep apnea.
  3. False. Actually, you end up sleep deprived as a result of this disorder. This means that you may become drowsy and fall asleep at any time, which could include while operating dangerous machinery, driving a car, or other moments that may potentially endanger your life and the lives of others.