Who Can Help Me Stop Snoring?

questionstickiesWhen it comes to snoring that does not seem to let up, you may begin to feel like you are not sure where to turn. For instance, you may have tried over-the-counter (OTC) products, which insist they will help keep your air passages open but you end up snoring anyway. Rather than feeling defeated, we encourage you to ask yourself the following question: “Who can help me stop snoring?” You will find that treatment for snoring lies in your own hands as well as ours.

You Can Help Yourself

You may consider some lifestyle changes (rather than relying on OTC treatments) that will promote airways that stay open while you sleep. Your treatment for snoring may include one or more of the following:

  • Seek out ways to treat any upper respiratory problems, such as allergies or chronic sinus congestion – this can contribute to snoring
  • Attempt to sleep on your side or your stomach if you tend to lie on your back while you sleep – back sleepers are more prone to snoring because soft tissues slide into the throat
  • Avoid anything that will potentially over-relax your muscles, such as alcohol or sleep aids – they may cause throat muscles to relax, which may lead to snoring

Your Dentist Can Help

Now that you have addressed your own lifestyle issues that may contribute to chronic snoring, it is essential that you visit us to receive professional treatment for snoring. Making and keeping up with your own changes will continue to provide partial treatment. Combine that with our oral appliance therapy, and you can expect a return to truly restful nights. We will simply have you wear a mouthguard while you sleep. It will discourage the partial collapse of airways by carefully positioning your jaws and keeping soft tissues in place.