Would An Oral Appliance Benefit You?

shutterstock_121961872We’ve covered oral appliance therapy before, so you’re probably familiar with it by now. However, familiarity with the treatment and knowing how it can benefit you are two totally different things. More and more people who suffer from sleep apnea are leaning towards this treatment method, as opposed to using a CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) device – but why? Oral appliances may benefit you in more ways than one; by treating your sleep apnea and helping you to maintain oxygen intake and also, just by being comfortable.

About Oral Appliances For Sleep Apnea

When you think of an oral appliance, imagine a mouthguard that you would wear for sports or a retainer. However, this appliance works a little differently and has been a proven effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Each oral appliance is custom made to fit your mouth, so it’s very comfortable and won’t rub your gum tissue or cause other complications (like some mouthguards that you buy at an athletic store may).

How An Oral Appliance Works

So, how does the appliance work? Well, when you wear it throughout the night, it gently shifts your jaw forward – opening up your blocked airway. Since OSA is caused from muscle relaxation, this shift forward will keep your muscles from obstructing your oxygen intake. While your muscles may still relax, they still won’t be able to close off your airway like they previously could.

What Are The Benefits Of Using An Oral Appliance?

Although CPAP machines have been the most common choice for sleep apnea treatment, oral appliance therapy is actually becoming increasingly popular as people become aware of it. For good reason, too, these sleep appliances have several advantages. For example, it’s portable, comfortable, and quiet. Additionally, people find that it’s much easier to care for and travel with.

Does it sound like oral appliance therapy could benefit you? Consult with your dentist today!