Do You Require A Sleep Assessment?

stewart sleep assessmentObstructive sleep apnea, also referred to as OSA, can leave your deprived of sleep and exhausted. From there, you can feel tired during the day, moody, or even develop complications with your overall health. If you think you need treatment for a sleep disorder, we can perform a diagnosis. Do you need a sleep assessment?

Try Our Sleep Assessment Quiz

  1. True or False: OSA can lead to health complications.
  2. True or False: We can assess your risk with a questionnaire.
  3. True or False: We offer multiple treatment options.
  4. True or False: Snoring may be a warning sign.

Answer Key

  1. True. Over time, the disorder can lead to depression, elevated blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. Being tired also makes you more susceptible to injury at work or on the road. Being healthy means obtaining the rest you need to function properly during the day.
  2. True. The questionnaire poses several questions related to your symptoms, your sleep habits, and even your overall health. With just ten questions, we can assess your risk factors for developing OSA and recommend treatment to help you rest easier.
  3. True. We may recommend a CPAP machine, which requires wearing a mask over the nose and mouth, connected via a hose to a machine that pumps air. You encounter no cessation of breathing, combating OSA. In addition, an oral appliance can be worn at night to move the jaw forward, keeping airways open during sleep and preventing obstruction.
  4. True. Along with chronic snoring, you may experience moodiness, daytime exhaustion, and episodes of waking up gasping for air or even choking. Don’t ignore these potential symptoms. Talk to our team about a sleep assessment to see if you benefit from sleep apnea treatment. If you have any questions about treating OSA then please contact our office today.