Could Your Partner Be Struggling with Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea Treatment for Your PartnerLoud snoring can be incredibly annoying, particularly for those living with a snorer. Unfortunately, it can also be a warning sign of a medical condition that can threaten a person’s wellbeing and overall health. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when a person’s airway becomes blocked as he or she sleeps, often causing a person to gasp for air or even to wake briefly, dozens or even hundreds of times during a single night. This can cause extreme health concerns, including high blood pressure, depression, and impotency, not to mention the negative effect it can have on one’s ability to focus throughout the day and his or her mood. Fortunately, a dentist may be able to help address sleep apnea with minimally invasive treatment like an oral appliance. So if you think your partner could be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, now is the time for the two of you talk to with dentist about what could be done!

Signs of Sleep Apnea, and How a Dentist Can Help

Sleep apnea can be prevented by helping to keep one’s passageway clear. While CPAP machines (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) are one way to address OSA, some patients find these machines too cumbersome for their own comfort.

Fortunately many dentists now offer a less invasive form of OSA treatment, in the form of sleep appliances. These appliances are similar to the mouthguards often worn to protect teeth during athletic events or to preserve progress during orthodontic treatment. A custom-made appliance can work to treat OSA by helping to keep the jaw in a position that will allow air to flow freely throughout the night.

If your significant other has been struggling with loud snoring, showing signs of irritability, depression, suffering from frequent headaches, especially in the morning, these can all be warning signs of OSA. Talk to your dentist about treatment options.