How Can You Sleep Better?

stewart sleep betterSleep helps us function properly at work and school. Otherwise, lack of sleep can cause problems with focusing on tasks, moodiness, or exhaustion. For sleep apnea we may recommend an oral appliance or CPAP machine to improve rest and address a sleep disorder. However, can you take additional steps to help yourself sleep better? Do your daily habits impact how well you rest?

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring occurs when your airways are partially blocked and air must be forced through, vibrating soft tissue in the throat and mouth. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when the airways completely close, causing the brain to need to wake the patient to breathe, leaving the patient sleep deprived. While we can recommend treatment options to address the disorder, there are also steps you can take to help you rest better.

Improve Your Bedroom

First, is your bedroom environment actually conducive to a good night’s rest? You should always keep the room dark and cool. Also, you should remove TVs, computers, and avoid playing on your smartphone before you try to sleep. Screens can actually hurt our ability to rest.

Change Your Daily Habits

We recommend staying on a sleep schedule, waking up and going to bed at the same times every day. In addition, try to avoid vigorous exercise, caffeine, or alcohol before going to bed. While alcohol may make you feel sleepy initially, you have not rest very well. We also suggest sleeping on your side instead of your back.

Boost Your Overall Health

Did you know that obesity can increase the risk of sleep apnea? By losing weight with diet and exercise, you can improve your overall health and rest better. If you have questions about treating snoring or sleep apnea, then please contact our office today. You can also take a sleep assessment on our website to see if you should talk to our team.