How Will The Doctor Treat My OSA?

stewart-cpap-machineIf we determine you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), then we will recommend treatment to help you rest better. Otherwise, sleep apnea can lead to serious complications for your overall health. How will the doctor treat your OSA? What options will best address your sleep issues, a CPAP machine or a custom-made oral appliance?

The CPAP Machine

Since sleep apnea cause patients to stop breathing due to obstructed airways, the doctor may prescribe a CPAP machine. The machine has a hose attached that connects to a plastic mask. The mask fits over the nose and mouth. When turned on, the machine pumps air through the nose and into mask. Air is forced through airways, so the patient enjoys uninterrupted breathing throughout the night.

Oral Appliances

While the CPAP can be very successful, some people have trouble sleeping while wearing the mask. As an alternative, the doctor may prescribe an oral appliance. The custom-made device is worn at night like a nightguard. The device works by repositioning the jaw, moving it forward to keep airways from being obstructed. Some patients may also benefit from a combination of the CPAP machine and an oral appliance.

How Do I Know If I Need Treatment?

There are a number of different warning signs you should be aware of, such as chronic snoring, episodes of waking suddenly gasping for air or choking, unexplained moodiness, or frequent exhaustion during the day. If these signs sound familiar, then try taking our sleep assessment. If the assessment indicates you have trouble sleeping, let us know. We help diagnose the cause of your exhaustion and recommend the most appropriate treatment option. If you have any questions about our sleep apnea treatments, then please contact our office today.