How Does Sleep Apnea Impact My Health?

stewart-health-osaWhen you have sleep apnea, you often stop breathing for brief periods at night. These periods of waking up to start breathing before airflow become obstructed again can happen hundreds of times, leaving you sleep deprived. How does sleep apnea impact your health? What dangers are associated with poor rest due to OSA?

Frequently Asked Questions About Sleep Apnea’s Impact on Health

Question: How does poor sleep affect my daily life?

Answer: People who don’t obtain the rest needed to function properly throughout the day often experience moodiness, as well as difficulty concentrating on tasks at work or school. The risk of falling asleep behind the wheel also becomes greater.

Question: What health issues are caused by OSA?

Answer: Over time, lack of treatment can lead to hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. Eventually, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. Sleep apnea has also been linked to depression and obesity.

Question: When should I seek treatment?

Answer: If you notice one or more possible symptoms, then take a sleep assessment on our website. You can then give us a call to receive a thorough diagnosis. Common warning signs include snoring, daytime exhaustion, waking up suddenly choking or possibly gasping for air, and unexplained moodiness.

Question: How will the doctor fix the problem?

Answer: We may recommend one of two different treatment options. The first is the CPAP machine. The patient wears a mask over the nose and mouth. Th mask is connected to a machine via a plastic hose. Air is forced through the nose and mouth to prevent the obstruction of breathing behind sleep apnea. We can also address the problem with an oral appliance. Worn at night, the device move the jaw forward to keep airways open.