Should You Take A Sleep Assessment?

stewart-sleep-assessmentWhen you don’t obtain the recommended amounts of sleep, you may feel exhausted and tired. Soon, you could experience a reduction in your overall quality of life. We strive to help patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea enjoy optimal rest so they can function properly during the day. To better understand your risk of OSA, we offer a sleep assessment on our website. How does the assessment work?

Common Questions About Our Sleep Assessment

Question: What are signs I may have a sleep disorder?

Answer: Potential warning signs of sleep apnea may include chronic snoring, episodes of waking suddenly gasping for air or choking, moodiness, daytime drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating on tasks at work or school. If one or more of these signs sounds familiar, then try our sleep assessment or schedule a visit with the doctor right away.

Question: How does the sleep assessment work?

Answer: When you visit our sleep assessment page on the website, you will see a series of ten questions. Answer them truthfully and if three or more apply to you, then you may need to talk to the dentist. At that point, we will perform a thorough diagnosis to see if you require treatment for a sleep disorder.

Question: How will you treat my OSA?

Answer: We have two distinct treatment options. The CPAP machine involves wearing a mask over the nose and mouth. The mask is connected to a machine via a plastic hose. The machine pumps air through the nose and mouth while you sleep to prevent breathing obstruction. We can also use an oral appliance. Similar in appearance to a mouthguard, the device moves the jaw forward to keep airways open so you can breathe without interruption.

Question: How do I help address symptoms from home?

Answer: We recommend losing weight, sleeping on your side instead of your back, avoiding caffeine or alcohol before bed, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule (going to bed and waking up at the same times every day).