Things To Ask Yourself When You Rationalize Your Sleep Problem 

When your sleep is the focus of your concerns because one way or another, it’s becoming obvious that you’re not getting enough of it, you may not want to consider a sleep disorder. You may instead wish to rationalize what’s going on, in hopes that the issue goes away, you feel well rested again, and that’s the end of it. While we understand this, our Livonia, MI team also reminds you that such disorders are treatable and with noninvasive, simple care! So, before you try to wish an issue away, start by asking yourself some additional questions. If it seems like sleep apnea treatment might be something that could help, come in!

Are You A Little Tired? Or Extremely Tired?

You may find ways to rationalize the fact that you’ve been feeling sleepy lately. You may just say that you’re staying up too late, that you’re stressed, overworked, or otherwise. However, this is when it’s time to ask yourself if you’re just sort of tired and tuckered out … or if you’re more exhausted than you’ve ever been in your entire life. If the sleepiness doesn’t seem to match up with the cause, and it’s quite serious, then it’s definitely time to learn more about sleep apnea treatment and whether it might be just what you need (and soon!).

Are You Only Waking Up? Or Does Someone Say Otherwise?

Maybe you keep insisting that you’re just randomly waking up throughout the night because you heard something, because you’re uncomfortable, because you’re hot, etc. However, if this is the narrative you’ve been telling yourself, our team has to ask: Does the person sleeping next to you agree? Or, does that individual tell you that there’s more to the story? When you have a partner letting you know about extremely loud snoring, about choking sounds that you make, or about anything else that falls within the symptoms associated with sleep apnea, then it’s time to see us.

Are You Tired And Dealing With Other Obvious Changes?

Maybe you keep thinking that the cause of your headaches that show up every day is the fact that you’re tired. However, you’re not connecting the dots and realizing you may need sleep apnea treatment. Maybe your blood pressure is high, your throat keeps feeling very sore in the morning, or other signs are telling you it’s something more than a poor night’s sleep. If so, again, we invite you to come in simply to further explore what’s happening, so you can sleep well again!

Address Sleep Apnea With Smart Questions

Come in to talk with our team about the sleep apnea uncertainty you are experiencing. Set up a consultation to find out whether you’re just dealing with sleep interruptions or if you need treatment for a sleep disorder! James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.