Unless treated, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) could potentially lead to serious problems for your overall health, including a higher risk of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and depression. However, we offer convenient and comfortable treatment options to help protect your health and allow you to rest easier. What are the symptoms of sleep apnea, and when should you see your Livonia, MI, dentist?
Nighttime Warning Signs
At night, you may snore frequently. Sleep apnea episodes mean that you stop breathing for brief periods as the soft tissues in your threat and mouth collapse and block airflow. When is forced through collapsed or partially collapsed tissues, this creates snoring, making it one of the first indicators of trouble. Other nighttime issues include waking up gasping for air or choking due to the cessation of breathing. You may also experience shallow breathing or toss and turn frequently. If you encounter problems resting or staying asleep, then please let us know!
Daytime Symptoms
When you wake, your mouth may feel dry. You could experience headaches or migraines during the day as well. Since apneic episodes keep you from enjoying deep, uninterrupted sleep, you are sleep deprived enough though you think you rested the night before. Daytime exhaustion is common as well, along with moodiness and irritability, trouble staying focused on tasks at work or school, and difficulty staying awake behind the wheel.
See Your Dentist!
If you experience one or more of the warning signs above, then contact our team today. We will help you diagnose the cause of these symptoms and if we discover you’re suffering from sleep apnea, then we will take detailed impressions of your smile, using the impressions, images, and measurements to design an oral appliance. The device looks and fits much like a mouthguard and we offer several different varieties depending on the cause and severity of your OSA. The oral appliance essentially repositions the jaw to ensure you breathe without interruption at night, allowing you to actually rest and feel more alert during the day. We can also discuss positive changes to your routine, such as avoiding large meals, excessive alcohol consumption, or vigorous exercise right before bed. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule, keeping your bedroom dark and cool, and resting on your side instead of your back also helps!
Treatment For OSA in Livonia
At our Livonia, MI, clinic, our team is ready to help you obtain a better night’s rest with unique and custom treatments for sleep apnea, including oral appliance therapy. Don’t let the disorder we’ve discussed in today’s blog lead to problems with your overall quality of life, take to our team today. To find out more, or to make an appointment, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.