How Custom Oral Appliances Help Stop Snoring

livonia stop snoring

When you feel tired each day, this can impact your work performance and even your relationships. You may need treatment to address the source of your exhaustion, whether it be snoring, sleep apnea, or both. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about how our oral appliances help stop snoring.

The Causes of Snoring

Snoring occurs due to limited airflow as you sleep. When air passages are partially blocked by soft tissues, this means a loud sound is created when air is forced through the passages. This can interrupt your significant other’s ability to sleep, and also mean the potential presence of sleep apnea. You can help reduce these episodes by sleeping on your side instead of your back, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption before bed, and keeping your bedroom dark and cool. If this fails to ease your snoring episodes, then you may need treatment for sleep apnea.

Assessing the Presence of Sleep Apnea

Our team will start by asking you about potential symptoms and risk factors to gauge the possible presence of sleep apnea. We can then examine your air passages with digital technology and discuss at home or lab sleep tests. With sleep apnea, while you rest soft tissues become too relaxed and collapse, which cuts off airflow completely. You stop breathing until the brain registers the drop in oxygen and wakes you up. This could interrupt your sleep multiple times a night and leave you feeling exhausted. The disorder could also strain your immune system and heart health, and boost the risk of memory issues. Don’t let your quality of life suffer, talk to our team about treatment with an oral appliance.

Our Custom Oral Appliances

Our team can provide relief with custom oral appliances. These are devices that will look and fit like a mouthguard, but have been custom-fitted for your smile. When worn, these help shift your jaw and tongue forward to keep airways open and free of obstruction. You breathe without interruption and wake up feeling rested and alert. The device itself is easy to use and clean, and can travel with you as needed too. Our team knows the value of a good night’s rest, and we want to make this possible for you. If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat sleep apnea with a custom oral appliance, then contact our team today to learn more.


Our team wants to help you sleep well and feel rested when you wake up, so you can enjoy a better quality of life. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Stewart, call our Livonia, MI, team today at 734-425-4400. You deserve a good night’s rest, and we want to help!