Tip For Good Sleep On NYE

2016silhouetteAre you wondering if there’s anything you can do to promote sound sleep on New Year’s Eve? If you plan on celebrating, you may be curious if your sleep apnea treatment will provide you with all the support you need to make it through the night comfortably. While this is certainly possible, we do have a quick lineup of helpful tips to assist you in continuing the solid, restful sleep you have been experiencing as a result of excellent habits and treatment.

Tip #1: Sip Something Other Than Bubbly

In addition to the oral appliance we provide for sleep apnea treatment, it is important to remain mindful of the lifestyle choices that can make or break a good night of sleep. A big factor on New Year’s Eve is the typical constant flow of alcoholic drinks (and the traditional champagne at midnight). Do yourself a favor this year and reach for the sparkling apple cider instead. Alcohol might make you feel toasty and sleepy at first but may actually worsen your sleep apnea.

Tip #2: Say “Goodnight” When The Clock Strikes Midnight

Depending on your usual schedule, you might want to play it safe and say goodnight around your typical bedtime. If you must stay up until midnight, do yourself a favor and get into bed right after the clock strikes midnight. Messing with your sleep schedule can have a negative effect on your ability to fall asleep.

Tip #3: Don’t Forget Your Sleep Apnea Treatment

Have we already furnished you with a sleep apnea treatment device? If so, make sure you have this mouth guard close at hand, whether you’re at home or travelling for the holidays. That way, you don’t need to worry about getting enough sleep, so you have sufficient energy to enjoy the first day of the New Year.