Quick Tips: Avoid Holiday Snoring

tipsrainbowHave you been planning on visiting us to discuss your snoring and to find out if you may be suffering from sleep apnea? If you are still without our snoring treatment to alleviate this loud nighttime interruption, remember that professional care is essential in promoting sound sleep. For now, however, you may feel extremely worried about the holiday season, particularly if you will be receiving guests or staying at a loved one’s home. We often find that patients feel quite embarrassed at the thought of keeping others up during the night with the strong noises coming from their throats. Rest easy – we have some quick tips to promote quieter, more restful sleep.

Try A New Sleeping Position

When you suffer from sleep apnea or snoring, the worst way you can sleep is on your back. You see, these sleeping problems often stem from the fact that your soft palate and tongue slide back toward your throat while you sleep. This partially blocks your airways. Choose side sleeping or stomach sleeping instead to promote air passages that remain open.

Address Allergies or Congestion Immediately

Another problem factor with both snoring and sleep apnea is congestion. If you suffer from allergies or any type of chronic congestion, it is very important that you find a way to alleviate this issue. When your upper respiratory system is blocked, snoring is much more likely.

Remain Very Mindful Natural Relaxation

Relaxants that are artificial in nature might help you fall asleep initially but they will cause problems by relaxing muscles. You see, relaxed throat muscles allow throat tissues to touch, which results in snoring (they vibrate together when you breathe, making noise). Sleep apnea occurs when these tissues collapse. Find natural ways to fall asleep, such as meditation.