Yes, it is true: Children can suffer from sleep disorders just like adults can. You may be shocked to learn this and wonder how you can possibly determine whether your child requires treatment, if there’s anything you could do to prevent such issues, and more. At our practice, we provide comprehensive care not only for you (an adult) but for your children, too. Allow us to explain how we can guide your children toward restful sleep from the get go.
We May Suggest Orthotropics
This is an area of children’s dental care that has to do with the way your child’s jaws, teeth, and additional structures develop. If they’re not developing correctly into a shape that promotes a balanced bite, facial profile, and oral tissues (which promotes a sleep disorder), then there’s good news: We can direct them with treatment for structures that are balanced and promote easy breathing. This is something we can easily determine during your child’s dental checkup.
We May Suggest Other Treatments
We might suggest an oral appliance for your child, which is just a small device that’s somewhat like a mouthguard, worn during sleep. It allows your child’s airways to remain open, which addresses snoring and/or sleep apnea. We will also be more than happy to discuss possible contributing factors with you if a sleep disorder is present. The position in which your child sleeps, the side effects of certain medication, and even congestion from allergies may all play a role. Learn more during a visit!
Protect Your Kids From Sleep Disorders
If you think your child is snoring or may suffer from sleep apnea, schedule a visit! James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI, as well as Farmington Hills, Farmington, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Dearborn Heights, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Redford, and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.