What Your Sleep Should Be Like

If it’s been a long time since you got a good night’s sleep (or since you remember feeling rested during the day, at the very least), then you may not feel you have a solid grasp on what sleep should be like anymore. We’d like to remind you of the major details. When you deal with a sleep disorder like snoring or sleep apnea for a long time, your perspective on what’s normal can become a bit distorted. You may suddenly find yourself thinking, “Oh good, my snoring only woke me up three times last night!” when it shouldn’t be affecting you at all! Let us clue you in!

It Should Not Be Interrupted With Breathing Issues

Some individuals are lighter sleepers than others who make wake up during the night due to sounds or other factors. However, sleep should not be something that you cannot get through because you have a sleep disorder affecting your ability to breathe. Whether you’re someone who snores or suffers from sleep apnea, you need treatment. Ignoring problems with your breathing can have you heading toward problems in your future that threaten the very health of your entire body.

It Should Be Long Enough

Don’t convince yourself that you only need a little bit of sleep. Don’t listen to friends who tell you that you really only need sleep in three-hour increments and you’ll be fine. Do give yourself the gift of around eight hours of nightly sleep by seeing us about treatment for a sleep disorder if you don’t think you can accomplish this even if you wanted to sleep for that long. Also, block off enough time (which usually means getting into bed early enough).

Let Us Help You Get Your Sleep Back

Take the time to talk over your potential sleep disorder with us, so we may give you the suggestions and treatment you need to get your sleep under control. James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI, as well as Farmington Hills, Farmington, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Dearborn Heights, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Redford, and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.