What Can I Do To Stop Snoring?

Do you snore each night? If so, then you may drive your significant other crazy, and also increase your risk of developing a serious disorder, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist will discuss how we treat snoring and even offer tips for reducing your risk of nightly snores!

What Causes Us to Snore?

We snore when our airways become partially blocked as we sleep. The blockage, often the result of soft tissues becoming too relaxed and collapsing, or possibly due to sinus or allergy issues, means air is forced through passages and vibrates the soft tissues partially obstructing your breathing. This vibrates the tissues and creates a loud sound. Often, chronic snoring is a warning sign of sleep apnea, a disorder in which the collapse of soft tissues completely blocks airflow, so you’re regularly woken up by the brain to resume breathing. You may not remember these episodes, but they keep you from obtaining the deep and uninterrupted sleep needed to feel alert during the day. If you do snore regularly, then please let us know right away.

Changes to Your Lifestyle

To limit your risk of snoring and sleep apnea episodes, we suggest making a few changes to your daily routines. Avoid alcohol, muscle relaxants, or caffeinated products before bed, as these could make snores and airway obstruction more likely. Sleep on your side instead of your back, and address any sinus or allergy issues you may have. Obesity is also a factor, so try to lose weight through diet and exercise. Keeping your bedroom dark, cool, and screen free is also helpful, as is a sleep schedule, in which you go to bed and wake up at the same times daily.

Treatment Possibilities

We have two very different treatment options to help you rest easier and avoid nightly snores. First, mouthpiece treatment involves the creation of a custom-made oral appliance that fits much like a nightguard. The device will be worn as you sleep and repositions the jaw to keep airways open throughout the night. We also have a CPAP machine, which is a mask worn over the nose and mouth that is connected to a machine via a plastic hose. The machine pumps air through the hose and into the nose and mouth, ensuring you breathe without interruption all night long. If you have any questions about our treatment options, then please contact our team today. We want to help you rest easier!


Our Livonia, MI clinic helps people in our community enjoy a better night’s rest addressing sleep disorders and other complications. To learn more, or to make an appointment, contact James Stewart, DDS at (734) 425-4400 to schedule a visit.