Should I Worry About Nightly Breathing Issues?

While you may not believe you have sleep apnea, certain difficulties with your nightly breathing can let you know that something is amiss. There are different reasons why a person might have more trouble breathing while they are at rest. You may have issues because of a deviated septum, a higher weight, or even because of certain habits like alcohol consumption in the evening. What you should know is that the problem may not be with sleep apnea today, you could be close to experiencing this problem, and that can mean your health is at more risk than you realize! Fortunately, your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist can help. With oral appliance therapy, we can correct nightly breathing difficulties that cause you to snore or struggle to take in air.

Snoring And Breathing Difficulties Can Be Linked To Sleep Apnea

While you may not have issues with sleep apnea at present, breathing difficulties while you rest can be a sign that you are vulnerable to this condition. In addition to watching out for snoring, you should be mindful of Upper Airway Respiratory Syndrome, or UARS, which can cause noisier snoring sounds along with choking and gasping sounds from sleepers. People who struggle with this issue can act as an early warning for sleep apnea, which is why they should be mindful of their symptoms and the need to seek care. Without timely support to stop a condition from worsening, you could experience several difficulties in your daily life. Fatigue, lack of focus and short-term memory difficulties, irritability, and even physical issues can impact you, and these problems can worsen the longer you go without treatment.

We Can Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea Without The Use Of A CPAP Machine

While CPAP machines are effective in treating many people affected by sleep apnea, they may not be needed for you if you have difficulties with obstructive sleep apnea. People bothered by OSA experience difficulties with their breathing due to blockages caused by soft tissues in the throat. To stop this interference with your airways from affecting you any further, we can recommend that you start oral appliance therapy. With your custom appliance, you can put an end to difficulties with nightly breathing and start enjoying better rest once again!

Talk To Your Livonia/Detroit, MI Area Dentist About Your Nightly Breathing Concerns!

Through timely intervention and care, our Livonia/Detroit, MI area dental practice can help patients who are at risk for sleep apnea, as well as those who are starting to struggle with this issue and wish to prevent it from further hurting their well-being. We are happy to meet with you so that we can review your current symptoms and discuss lasting solutions! If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of you, reach out to Dr. Stewart’s practice today by calling (734) 425-4400.