How To Stop Chronic Snoring

livonia snoring

When you snore on a nightly basis, this chronic issue could be linked to a serious disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea, and even impacts on your heart health and immune system. In today’s blog, your Livonia, MI, dentist talks about how we diagnose and treat your chronic snoring!

The Causes of Your Snoring

Snoring occurs when your air passages are partially obstructed by soft tissues in the back of your mouth and in your throat. These obstructions then mean air must be forced through when you breathe, which irritates soft tissues. Factors behind this could include resting on your back, sinus and allergy issues, a deviated septum, large neck circumference, and excessive alcohol before bed. Our team will conduct a detailed examination and offer a sleep assessment to look at your risks and find out if this is connected to obstructive sleep apnea.

The Potential Link to Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea means that as you breathe, the same soft tissues we discussed above completely block airflow, so you stop breathing briefly until the brain registers this sudden drop in oxygen. The brain wakes you, even though you may not recall this happening, so you can resume breathing. For many, this interrupts your REM sleep hundreds of times a night, leaving you exhausted and sleep deprived even if you assume you slept well. Warning signs could include daytime drowsiness, waking with dry mouth, headaches and moodiness during the day, memory issues, and difficulty concentrating on tasks. Don’t ignore these potential symptoms, see our team for a diagnosis right away.

Treatment with an Oral Appliance

Instead of the loud and cumbersome CPAP machine, our team will offer treatment with an oral appliance. The device will look and fit like a mouthguard, but is actually designed to shift the jaw and tongue forward to keep airways open and free of obstruction. You can then breathe without interruption and feel more rested and alert. The appliance is simple to use and clean, and can be stored anywhere. This can travel with you easily too! We can also discuss better sleep habits, like going to bed and waking up at the same times daily, resting on your side instead of your back, avoiding caffeine before bed, and steering clear of excessive alcohol, exercise, large meals, or screens in the hour or two before bed.

If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat issues like sleep apnea, then contact our team today to learn more.


We want to help you enjoy a better night’s rest and stay free of health impacts. To start your journey to a night free of airway obstruction, then schedule an appointment with Dr. Stewart in Livonia, MI today at 734-425-4400.