If you’re tired on a daily basis but you feel like you’re missing some puzzle pieces, you can take two primary directions. First, you can become extremely frustrated and allow the problem to continue, which is bad news for your ability to walk through daily life in comfort. Second, you can follow our suggestions for things to try that will most likely lead you down a quick path toward a solution for your sleep disorder. Which will you choose?
Try A Visit With Us
Before you give up and feel extremely upset about your sleep disorder, start with us. Try a visit. Call our team, give us the rundown of what you’ve been experiencing, and let us know when a good time for you would be. You don’t need to learn anything or do any research beforehand. You just need to talk with us during a consultation, so we may guide you toward the pathway that will help you.
Try Skipping Things That Interrupt Sleep
You will want to try eliminating things from your life that have the potential to get in the way of your sleep. Even if you have a sleep disorder that will require additional care, making changes can help immensely. Think about the obvious: Caffeine can interrupt, alcohol, and an unsteady sleep schedule can make sleep difficult. Falling asleep with the TV on or staring at your phone before bed can interrupt, too.
Try Sleep Treatment
Now, when we see you, we may suggest sleep treatment of some kind (usually a mouth guard that helps you breathe well when you’re sleeping). If so, we think you’ll be pleased with the results. Try it. You may see an exceptional improvement!
Follow Our Recommendations To Return To Nightly Sleep
When you want to get slumber and sound rest back on track, visiting us and considering solutions can make a significant impact. James Stewart, DDS, and our team serve patients from Livonia, MI, as well as Farmington Hills, Farmington, Plymouth, Northville, Novi, Dearborn Heights, Dearborn, Garden City, Westland, Redford, and the surrounding communities. To schedule a consultation, call our office today at (734) 425-4400.