How Appliance Therapy Treats Sleep Apnea

When you have problems with your nightly breathing, it can become difficult for you to stay at rest. If sleep apnea has begun to affect your life, the impact can be seen through several symptoms. They include problems with snoring, but they also include issues with your mood, your daily energy levels and fatigue issues, and in problems maintaining your emotional and physical health. While it can be stressful to hear just how harmful untreated sleep apnea can be, you can find that managing the issue is easier than you realize. At our Livonia/Detroit, MI area dental office, we are ready to talk with you about treating this condition. Through appliance therapy, we can actually improve your nightly breathing and quality of life without the need for you to use a CPAP machine!

Be Careful Not To Ignore The Signs Of Sleep Apnea!

You can look out for both the warning signs of active sleep apnea issues and the issues that make a person more susceptible to this problem. Beyond snoring, the warning signs can include changes in your blood pressure and heartbeat, difficulties with daily fatigue, problems with your mood, and physical discomfort in the form of sore throat issues and headaches. You can be more likely to experience trouble with your rest if you are overweight, if you tend to drink alcohol in the evenings, if you have a deviated septum or a large neck, or if you have a family history of this problem. Knowing that it is something to look out for can make you more sensitive to other symptoms, and more likely to take them seriously.

Using A Custom Oral Appliance To Improve Your Nightly Breathing

Many people come into treatment believing that to treat their sleep apnea, they will need to rely on a CPAP machine. While this is a useful device for treating nightly breathing difficulties, it is not the only option. Another involves the use of a custom oral appliance. Appliance therapy is effective at fixing problems with nightly breathing that occur when soft tissues in the throat interfere with your airways. Dr. Stewart can provide an appliance that is carefully made to change your jaw’s position in a way that stops that interference from occurring.

Talk To Your Livonia/Detroit, MI Area Dentist About Appliance Therapy For Sleep Apnea

You should know both what the signs of sleep apnea are and why you should take this problem seriously. Recognizing the potential effect it can have on you can encourage timely care that puts this issue behind you. At our office, we can provide an effective treatment option that does not require a CPAP machine, instead relying on a conservative custom oral appliance to resolve breathing difficulties. To find out more, contact your Livonia, MI, dentist, Dr. Stewart, by calling (734) 425-4400.