Should You Bring Questions About Sleep Apnea To A Dentist?

In the course of an appointment with your dentist, you can talk about more than just whether or not you have any cavities that need to be treated. Many people are surprised at just how much their dental practice can do to help them. At our Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist’s office, Dr. Stewart is prepared to help you if you struggle with sleep apnea. The condition of sleep apnea can take a serious toll on your well-being. In addition to being the reason why many people snore, sleep apnea can negatively impact your blood pressure, interfere with your ability to feel well-rested, and generally hurt your quality of life. We offer treatments to support our patients who struggle with this problem. In fact, for those who are affected by obstructive sleep apnea, we can recommend oral appliance therapy, a treatment approach that does not require a CPAP machine to give you back your ability to sleep soundly. (more…)

Are You Familiar With The Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea?

If you ask someone to list the symptoms of sleep apnea, you may not be surprised to hear snoring near or at the top of their list. With that said, there are several symptoms that someone could list, many of which can seriously intrude on a person’s quality of life. For those who sleep alone and have no one to tell them that they snore, knowing these symptoms can be particularly important for recognizing that something is wrong. Sleep apnea sufferers can experience issues we often associate with sleep deprivation. They can also have a more difficult time with high blood pressure. If you have reason to suspect that you suffer from sleep apnea, let your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist know! Through oral appliance therapy or a CPAP machine, we can restore your ability to breathe through the night and enjoy proper sleep. (more…)

Using An Oral Appliance To Stop Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Nightly snoring can be an embarrassing problem. For your partner, or for someone in a nearby room, it can be an impediment to sleep. For you, it can be a sign that you might be struggling with sleep apnea, a condition that negatively affects your health by intruding on your ability to rest properly. Our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office is prepared to help you put a stop to snoring and sleep apnea issues. Through oral appliance therapy, we can address a breathing obstruction causing you to have nightly difficulties. This approach removes the need for a CPAP machine but still protects you against the different problems linked to snoring and sleep apnea! (more…)

How Oral Appliance Therapy Addresses Sleep Apnea

If sleep apnea is not dealt with, it can negatively affect your energy levels, interfere with your general and emotional well-being, and cause you to continually snore at night. Because this condition robs you of the ability to complete your rest cycles, it essentially makes you vulnerable to problems we often associate with prolonged sleep deprivation, which can be serious. You may assume that people with sleep apnea must rely on a CPAP machine to address the matter. When you meet with your Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist to talk about the problem, you may find that oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea benefits you. With a custom oral guard, you can regain the ability to sleep soundly and remain free of sleep troubles! (more…)

Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Help You Deal With Fatigue

While some people feel more refreshed upon waking than others, a good night’s rest should help you sustain your energy levels throughout the day. You can start to grow concerned if this is no longer the case. People who suffer from sleep apnea can feel fatigued, irritable, unfocused, and generally lethargic even when they believe they have had a full night’s rest. This is because sleep apnea’s impact on their breathing at night can disrupt their rest cycle by breaking their sleep on frequent occasions. Until this problem is treated, you can consistently fail to gain the health benefits of a full night of sleep! Our Livonia/Detroit, MI clinic can help you deal with sleep apnea through oral appliance therapy, which relies on a custom appliance to ensure your airways stay open. (more…)

Can Sleep Apnea Treatment Help With Hypertension?

Addressing problems with high blood pressure, or hypertension, can help you avoid potentially serious health troubles. While dieting and exercising are both effective at controlling your blood pressure, they may not be the only approaches worth taking. Individuals who struggle with sleep apnea can have a more difficult time controlling their blood pressure. Until the problem is brought under control, it may be difficult for you to manage your blood pressure. At our dental office in the Livonia/Detroit, MI area, we can discuss treatment options for your sleep apnea troubles. Once you put this problem behind you, it can be easier to manage your blood pressure, and you can put a stop to issues like fatigue, snoring, and more! (more…)

How Oral Appliance Therapy Addresses Sleep Apnea Issues

When you snore regularly, struggle with fatigue, and generally fail to feel rested even after a full night’s sleep, you should look into the possibility you are affected by sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition that can take a serious toll on a person’s physical and mental well-being. Because it stops you from completing your rest cycles, it will prevent you from gaining everything you should from a full night’s sleep. Fortunately, this is something that your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist can help you treat! With oral appliance therapy, we can make sure that you sleep soundly again without the need to wear a CPAP mask each night. (more…)

Sleep Apnea May Be The Reason You Continue To Feel Tired

No matter how early you go to bed, and no matter how much coffee you drink, you seem to feel fatigued throughout the day. This can be more than just an inconvenience, as it can make you worry about your health and put you at risk for dozing off at inappropriate times. The reason for this issue could be sleep apnea, as this condition robs you of the ability to complete your rest cycles. At our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office, Dr. Stewart is prepared to help you address this condition and regain the ability to sleep properly through the night. With oral appliance therapy, we may be able to address your condition without the use of a CPAP machine. (more…)

Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Resolve Your Snoring Issues

Because it is an embarrassing problem, and one that can make rest hard to come by for your partner, you can be eager to put snoring troubles behind you. By discussing sleep apnea treatment at our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office, you can enjoy treatment that will help you rest better and stop yourself from snoring through the night! Snoring issues are often linked to obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where soft tissues in the throat interfere with a person’s airways. Partial blockages lead to the awkward, rumbling sounds a person makes at rest, while periods of total blockage force a person out of rest so they can clear the obstruction. In addition to helping you resolve your snoring troubles, sleep apnea treatment protects you against several potentially serious health issues! (more…)

Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Improve Your General Health

What can you gain from having an issue with sleep apnea treated? Many people are aware of sleep apnea as a problem that causes snoring, but they do not recognize the other ways in which it can influence their well-being. If this problem is affecting you, it can deprive you of energy during the day, negatively affect your mood, and even complicate your ability to manage your mental and physical health. This problem also poses a threat to your health because it can raise your blood pressure and make you more likely to suffer from an irregular heartbeat. At our dentist’s office in the Livonia/Detroit, MI area, we are prepared to help you fight this condition. We can discuss treatment with a CPAP machine, but we also offer sleep apnea treatment in the form of oral appliance therapy! (more…)