If you snore, then both you and your significant other can end up sleep deprived. How do you stop snoring? In serious cases, we may recommend an oral appliance. However, you can often help reduce your risk of snoring by making a few simple lifestyle changes.
Why Can’t I Sleep?
Do you walk around during the day feeling exhausted? Do you often have trouble focusing on tasks or even keeping your eyes open behind the wheel? If so, then you are clearly sleep deprived, but why can’t you sleep well? A number of factors, including your daily habits or possibly disorders such as sleep apnea, can lead to poor rest.
What Causes OSA?
If you have trouble sleeping or often feel exhausted during the day, you may be one of the over 12 million people in the United States with obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. What causes OSA? Understanding the factors behind the disorder can be the first step in recognizing your risk and seeking treatment, helping you rest better and enjoy better quality of life.
Will An Oral Appliance Help You Sleep Better?
We have multiple treatment options to address obstructive sleep apnea. Previously, we discussed the ways a CPAP machine can help you breathe without interruption. Today, we’re going to look at how an oral appliance can help you sleep better. Do you need one to help you rest properly?
How Do CPAP Machines Work?
For sufferers of sleep apnea, treatment is crucial to improve quality of life and to avoid serious complications, such as depression, high blood pressure, or even heart attack or stroke in severe cases. We offer a number of treatments for common sleep disorders, such as an oral appliance or a CPAP machine. How do CPAP machines work?
5 Habits To Help You Sleep Better In 2017
With a new year comes to chance to embrace a new you. Why not take steps to ensure you rest easier and help protect yourself form the risk of obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disorders? There are steps you can take to help you sleep better in 2017. In addition, don’t hesitate to see us if you feel exhausted, moody, or wake up gasping for air, as these could be warning signs of OSA.
Does Someone’s Snoring Bother You?
Studies show that many of us do not get enough sleep. The Center for Disease Control reported in February 2016 that 1/3 of Americans don’t regularly get enough sleep. Causes vary widely. We are busy people. Stores are open late, we stream favorite shows 24/7 and our phones are often at our sides demanding attention. Noises in the bedroom can also cause sleep disturbance. If someone’s snoring bothers your sleep, it may be time to come with them for a checkup. We can assess for sleep apnea, and offer advice and dental solutions. (more…)
What’s The Difference Between OSA And UARS?
Losing sleep can have a number of negative impacts on your overall health and your ability to function at work or school. If you often feel exhausted during the day, then you may need to see your dentist. You could have obstructive sleep apnea or possibly upper airway resistance syndrome. What’s the difference between OSA and UARS? How do you treat these disorders?
5 Steps For Improved Sleep
Do you often feel exhausted? If you aren’t sleeping well, you can have trouble staying alert during the day. You could also be more likely to develop a sleep disorder. However, you can try a few steps to improve your sleep from home. If this fails to address the issue, then consider contacting your dentist to learn more about sleep apnea.
Should You Take A Sleep Assessment?
When you don’t obtain the recommended amounts of sleep, you may feel exhausted and tired. Soon, you could experience a reduction in your overall quality of life. We strive to help patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea enjoy optimal rest so they can function properly during the day. To better understand your risk of OSA, we offer a sleep assessment on our website. How does the assessment work?