Your body can react to problems with sleep apnea in several negative ways. This issue with your nightly breathing takes away your ability to complete your rest cycles, so you go without the benefits you should enjoy from a full night’s sleep. This can make it harder to manage your physical and emotional health, reduce your energy levels, and interfere with your focus and mood. Another issue is that when your body responds to a loss of oxygen during the night, your blood pressure can rise. This repeated issue can make it difficult for you to avoid issues with hypertension, or high blood pressure. By talking to your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist about your sleep apnea concerns, you can stop this and other matters from further impacting your health and quality of life. (more…)
Oral Appliance Therapy Helps You Breathe At Night
If sleep apnea is taking a toll on your health and quality of life, your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist can help. In fact, our practice can actually help many people impacted by this issue without having to recommend the use of a CPAP machine. Obstructive sleep apnea is linked to airway interference from soft tissues that block breathing passages. To contend with this, we can recommend that you rely on a custom oral appliance while you rest. Through oral appliance therapy, you can change the position of your jaw and keep your breathing unobstructed! If you have questions or concerns about your nightly rest, we can offer guidance on what symptoms to look out for, and how you can look out for risk factors that make you more prone to this problem. (more…)
Sleep Apnea And Your Overall Health
If you have unaddressed problems with your sleep, you can have a tougher time managing your overall health. Beyond just causing you to snore, problems with sleep apnea can leave you with issues like headaches, fatigue, a recurring problem with a sore throat, and a lack of focus. Beyond impacting your mood and causing uncomfortable symptoms, it can also have more serious consequences—for instance, it can make controlling your blood pressure more difficult. To address the problem, your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist can recommend that you start using a custom oral appliance to maintain regular breathing. When in place, the guard will hold your jaw in a position that keeps your airways clear, so you no longer have to worry about obstructions that halt your breathing. (more…)
When Fatigue Is Linked To Sleep Apnea
Why has it become more challenging to make it through your typical day? How often do you feel sluggish and exhausted, even on days when you enjoyed a full night’s rest? When fatigue and grogginess become regular aspects of your life, it could be due to issues with your sleep health. Heavy snoring and nightly breathing difficulties, along with concerns about daytime fatigue and other physical changes, can point to a problem with sleep apnea. Your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office is prepared to help if you think this problem affects you. Through the effective management of your condition, you can feel more energized, and you can protect yourself against potentially serious health issues. (more…)
Helping A Partner Who Snores
It may be awkward to approach the subject of snoring with a partner who suffers from this issue. After all, many people find this to be an embarrassing condition. With that said, bringing it up can be beneficial for several reasons, not just because it can disturb your rest. Your partner may have nightly breathing problems that are more serious than you realize. If they suffer from sleep apnea, it can negatively impact their well-being in several ways, and it can take away their ability to fully rest each night. Your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office can help with snoring and sleep apnea difficulties. The sooner they are addressed, the sooner you and your partner can enjoy a quiet and restful night of sleep again! (more…)
Oral Appliance Therapy And Your Sleep
The struggles you have with sleep apnea can have several negative impacts on your well-being. Snoring is a common concern, but you also have to deal with issues often associated with sleep deprivation. Because you are not able to complete your rest cycles, you can deal with worsening fatigue, experience irritability and trouble focusing, and it can be harder for you to manage your physical and emotional well-being. Fortunately, this is a treatable condition. In fact, you can even look at options for care that will not require the use of a CPAP machine. Our Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist’s office can provide relief in the form of oral appliance therapy. This approach relies on a specially made guard that will keep your airways open as you rest. (more…)
How Sleep Apnea Impacts Your Daily Life
It can feel good to start the day with a sense of energy and optimism. Unfortunately, when sleep apnea steals your ability to rest properly each night, you can find that your mornings start with a sluggish feeling that you are not able to fully shake. Problems with this condition can also negatively affect your mood and concentration in addition to your energy. Over time, it can also have a negative toll on your physical health, too. Our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office is ready to help you take on problems with your nightly breathing so that your condition no longer robs you of truly restful sleep. We can actually provide treatment with a custom oral appliance that can serve as a welcome alternative to care with a CPAP machine. (more…)
Sleep Apnea’s Effect On Physical Health
If you struggle with sleep apnea, what issues, beyond snoring, should you really be worried about? You might not realize it, but this condition can impact you in several troubling ways. Because it robs you of your ability to complete your rest cycles properly, it can rob you of energy during the day, and it can negatively impact your mood and focus. Over time, it can also lead to problems with hypertension, which can have potentially severe consequences! At our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office, we can explore treatment options that can help you once again complete your sleep cycles. We can actually introduce you to treatment via oral appliance therapy, which means you can enjoy relief from your condition without being dependent on a CPAP machine. (more…)
Using A Custom Guard To Address Sleep Apnea
When you feel as though you never enjoy restful sleep, or your partner expresses concerns about your snoring and audible breathing difficulties during the night, you should be concerned about sleep apnea. Problems with obstructive sleep apnea stem from obstructions of your airways that affect your ability to remain asleep throughout the night. Until this is dealt with, the interference with your breathing will continue to stop you from remaining at rest and completing your sleep cycles. Fortunately, this is something that your Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist can address. Through oral appliance therapy, we can stop this problem by adjusting your jaw in order to keep your breathing passages clear.
Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Energy Levels?
Although sleep apnea is a problem that directly affects you during the night, it is one that can create serious problems for you during the day. As you leave this condition untreated, you can steadily lose out on restful sleep, which will leave you with less energy as you take care of work, run errands, and generally try to take care of different activities. It can also create problems for your mood, and it can take a toll on your physical health. Our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office can help you if you are struggling with this problem. While we can talk to you about using a CPAP machine, you should know that oral appliance therapy can actually help you breathe without difficulty and once again enjoy proper rest. (more…)