3 Ways To Get Proactive With Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is one of those things that you discover is there but that you may have a hard time fully embracing. You would love to hear that it was a mistake and actually, you don’t have it! Yet, the reality is: You need sleep apnea treatment and it’s time to get proactive, so you can get your sleep (and your life) back. The good news at the moment? Our Livonia, MI team urges you to remember that while you do need to take action, it’s really a very easy path toward improvement! Let’s get started.


No Need For Sleep Disorder Confusion: Come See Us!

If you happen to hear from a friend or family member that snoring is no laughing matter, you may suddenly ask yourself: Do I need to schedule a visit with my Livonia, MI dentist? Perhaps my snoring is serious business! Then, you learn about sleep apnea, as well, and you discover that you are having quite a lot of trouble sorting out just how severe your sleep disorder is, which disorder you’re experiencing, and more. Rather than grapple with any confusion, as your disorder continues to make it difficult to sleep, we suggest coming in for a consultation with our team! We are happy to help you get back to the rest you need and deserve.


Autumn Time Changes: Keeping Your Sleep On Track

There are some things that you can control and then there are things that will happen no matter what! When it comes to autumn’s arrival, there’s not a thing you can do about the change in temperature, daylight saving, and often your insatiable desire for comfort foods. So, what’s this have to do with your sleep disorder, you ask? Our Livonia, MI team reminds you that many factors play into your ability to fall asleep (and remain sleeping) at night that you often overlook! Let’s examine these autumn-related issues, so while you may not be able to control them, you can control how you respond to them!


Sleep Apnea: Some Things You Just Can’t Control

Of course, you can control sleep apnea when you select sleep apnea treatment with our Livonia, MI team! However, you may wonder about why it’s happening to you. If you’ve learned some things about sleep disorders, then you know there are some lifestyle choices that may contribute to your breathing interruptions at night. These are things that you do control, such as drinking caffeine, taking sleeping pills, smoking, etc. The interesting news? If you feel you’re doing everything right but for some reason, this issue still affects your rest, you should know: There are details that are simply out of your control! Learn more about some of them, so you realize this is a bit more complex than you may have thought (yet, of course, fully treatable!).


Holiday Time Sleep Interrupters To Consider

On one hand, you imagine yourself snuggled up warm in your bed during holiday time! It’s the kind of stuff that holiday stories are made of, the details of with stick with you for life! On the other hand, you may visualize yourself at family get-togethers, eating, snacking, and staying up into the wee hours as you catch up, laugh, and relax! While every scenario sounds perfectly wonderful, some of your decisions can land you in a bit of trouble if you’re dealing with a sleep disorder like sleep apnea! So, let our Livonia, MI team help you make wise choices, so your holidays don’t leave you fatigued!


Sleep Apnea: Are You Re-Energizing Yourself At Bedtime?

Are you doing things that are stimulating your mind or energizing your body, which makes you feel wide awake when you should be going to sleep? While this isn’t the cause of your sleep apnea and need for sleep apnea treatment, it’s something that is working directly against your attempt to be able both fall asleep and remain sleeping for a full cycle! What you may not realize is that your body actually has a natural, internal clock that reacts to stimuli. You can trick it into thinking it’s time to get up for the day, you can confuse it with artificial stimulants, and none of this helps when you just want to catch some z’s. Let our Livonia, MI team cover some major categories you might be overlooking.


Your Dry Mouth In The Morning: What To Think?

When you’re experiencing dry mouth in the morning, it’s important to recognize that there may be one of so many different things going on. Of course, it could point to a sleep disorder! Or, it could point to something else. So, you may think to yourself, since it could be so many things, you might just give the symptom some time and try to get used to it being there. However, our Livonia, MI team strongly suggests that instead of ignoring it, you come on in to see us (particularly if you’re noticing other concerns). Remember, a dry oral environment may not only be a sign of sleep concerns but can lead to additional problems for your smile if you neglect it. Learn more.


Halloween: What’s It Mean For Your Sleep?

Of course, you want to do everything right when you’re treating issues like sleep apnea. So, when big moments like holidays begin to head our way, part of you may wonder: Is there anything special you should do, think about, etc. to ensure this change in the usual schedule and flow of life doesn’t negatively affect your sleep disorder progress? As you may have expected, our Livonia, MI team’s answer is: Yes! Of course, there are some things to be mindful of, so your sleep apnea treatment isn’t interrupted. Ready? You’ll be pleased when you discover it’s all quite easy to manage.


Sleep Disorders: 2 Questions To Ask Before Your Head Hits The Pillow

When you’re treating a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, you want to try to make things as easy as possible, so you see your solutions as a streamlined part of your daily experience. Of course, it may take just a bit of getting used to as you begin but soon, it will just feel like you’re operating on autopilot as you guide yourself toward better sleep. To help you get to this point and to protect your nightly rest, our Livonia, MI team encourages you to take time consider very helpful pre-bed questions to ask yourself well before your head hits the pillow!


Trying To Self Diagnose: Don’t Do It!

When you’re not sure what’s going on with your sleeping patterns, you might take it upon yourself to begin researching as much as you can. You talk with friend and family. You head to the drugstore under the assumption that you’re snoring, it’s waking you up at night, and that’s why you’re so tired! You look for snoring strips. You might also look for medication that will help you sleep. While this is all quite intuitive and understandable, it’s not your best approach. What do we suggest? Don’t try to diagnose yourself. Instead, see our Livonia, MI team ASAP for assistance with determining whether it’s snoring, sleep apnea, or something else.
