Treat Sleep Apnea To Avoid Hypertension Risks

It’s one thing to simply deal with feeling tired due to sleep apnea. This can cause you some frustration and get in the way of daily life but it doesn’t seem very threatening. Unfortunately, if you think that a bit of fatigue is all that comes from this sleep disorder, think again! Among other serious issues that affect your body’s health is high blood pressure that develops as a result of your sleep problem. Why is this such a big deal, you wonder? Let’s talk risks!


Isn’t Snoring All In My Nose?

You may associate snoring with your nose, which is why you may have rushed out to purchase snoring nose strips to fix your sleep disorder. Unfortunately, this likely did not solve your concern, which leave you curious about why your efforts are not quite paying off. It’s important to recognize that while all of your upper airways come into play to a certain degree, it’s actually not your nose that’s causing all of that racket! Find out more, so you’re closer to a solution (and so you better understand what’s happening with your sleep).


Tired? Don’t Get Frustrated. Instead, Try This…

If you’re tired on a daily basis but you feel like you’re missing some puzzle pieces, you can take two primary directions. First, you can become extremely frustrated and allow the problem to continue, which is bad news for your ability to walk through daily life in comfort. Second, you can follow our suggestions for things to try that will most likely lead you down a quick path toward a solution for your sleep disorder. Which will you choose?


Sleep Disorders: What To Do When You’ve Tried Everything

What’s your concern? Have you been dealing with sleep apnea and you thought that if you made every lifestyle change that was recommended that you would solve the problem but it’s still affecting you? Perhaps you are a snorer and you’ve made changes to your habits, you’ve tried everything you can find as a remedy, but nothing is working. Now what do you do, you may wonder? Fortunately, all it takes is allowing us to help you with your sleep disorder.


Sleep Apnea: No, You’re Not Too…

The moment someone suggests that you may be suffering from a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, you may immediately respond with, “But I’m too…” The end of that sentence may include one of a variety of reasons that you simply think you could not possibly be dealing with a sleep problem. Unfortunately, the longer you convince yourself of such notions, the longer you might be leaving a serious issue brewing and negatively affecting your overall health! Let’s talk facts, so you recognize it just might be time to come see us for a consultation and care.


3 Sleep Resolutions You Can Keep

It’s that time: The dawn of a new year, when people make all sorts of promises. Some are carried out with more success than others. Experts suggest that changing habits is more successful when resolutions are realistic and measurable. Instead of saying something general such as “I’m going to go to get more sleep” you can reword your goal for New Year’s success. If your sleep issues persist, we have a third resolution: talk with an dentist who is experienced in sleep solutions. It is guaranteed to make a change in your sleep! (more…)

Alcohol: A Quick Quiz

It can be difficult to know whether you’re making the best choices for yourself when you’re combating a sleep disorder. Are your lifestyle choices all on track to help you sleep through the night? Or, are you doing something that you should perhaps not be doing, unknowingly contributing to the problem rather than solving it? Today, we would like to talk with you about alcohol. Beverages that include it make you nice and drowsy and seem like a good choice if you’re having trouble falling asleep, of course! … But are they really a solid bet?


Seeking Sleep Apnea Treatment: 3 Things To Remember

Are you sort of seeking sleep apnea treatment but as you get a little motivation, there are some factors that cause you to simply throw in the towel and forget about it? If this is happening to you, we strongly suggest you instead consider some things to remind yourself. Every time you make the decision to address your sleep issue, consider the details we mention and it will become much easier to follow through.


Making Your Sleep Visit Easy!

Are you a little unsure about scheduling a visit to talk with us about your potential sleep disorder? Since you’re not even sure if you have one or if you’ll discover it’s time to schedule a visit with your general practitioner, you may feel sort of hesitant to call us. Good news: We understand how you are feeling and we invite you to shrug off your shyness and come in. How to make this the easiest experience ever? We’ve got some tricks to share!
