Patients with sleep apnea tend to feel exhausted and their chronic snoring can also make rest difficult for their partners. Treating sleep apnea can help prevent the risk of complications, such as depression, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. What are your OSA treatment options?
4 Ways To Address OSA From Home
Over ten million people in the United States suffer from poor rest as a result of obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. While there are treatment options available to address the situation, there are also ways to address OSA from home. Better sleep habits and a more active lifestyle can go a long way towards improving your sleep.
Could Your Partner Be Struggling with Sleep Apnea?
Loud snoring can be incredibly annoying, particularly for those living with a snorer. Unfortunately, it can also be a warning sign of a medical condition that can threaten a person’s wellbeing and overall health. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when a person’s airway becomes blocked as he or she sleeps, often causing a person to gasp for air or even to wake briefly, dozens or even hundreds of times during a single night. This can cause extreme health concerns, including high blood pressure, depression, and impotency, not to mention the negative effect it can have on one’s ability to focus throughout the day and his or her mood. Fortunately, a dentist may be able to help address sleep apnea with minimally invasive treatment like an oral appliance. So if you think your partner could be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, now is the time for the two of you talk to with dentist about what could be done! (more…)
What Are The Symptoms Of Sleep Apnea?
If you have trouble sleeping, this may be the result of a disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. Not only does the disorder prevent you from sleeping well, you can also develop serious complications over time. How do you recognize OSA? What are the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea?
Do You Require A Sleep Assessment?
Obstructive sleep apnea, also referred to as OSA, can leave your deprived of sleep and exhausted. From there, you can feel tired during the day, moody, or even develop complications with your overall health. If you think you need treatment for a sleep disorder, we can perform a diagnosis. Do you need a sleep assessment?
5 Facts About Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea affects millions of people in the United States, but people still know little about this disorder. By understanding OSA, you can be aware of symptoms to watch for and know how serious losing sleep can be for your overall health. Remember, we have the experience and knowledge to identify and treat obstructive sleep apnea so you can rest easy once again.
Do You Need A CPAP Or Oral Appliance?
Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious disorder, one that if untreated can elevate the risk of high blood pressure, depression, heart attack, and even stroke. Fortunately, we can diagnose and then recommend treatment for your sleep issues. We have multiple treatment options available, which will best suit your needs, a CPAP or an oral appliance?
The Link Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea
Do you often snore, loudly and almost every night? Do common sleep aids or nose strips fail to address the issue? Oftentimes, snoring can be linked to a serious disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. In order to control your snore issues, you need to treat the disorder behind them.
Do You Need Treatment?
Do you have trouble sleeping? If so, the culprit may be a widespread and serious health issue known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. A sleep disorder can make obtaining proper rest difficult and increase the likelihood of developing serious complications. Do you need treatment? What warning signs should you be aware of?
Is Your Snoring Waking The Whole House?
Snoring can be an indicator of many things; congestion, allergies, or something more serious – like sleep apnea. Typically, however, snoring indicates a sleep disorder like sleep apnea when it’s excessively loud. For instance, if you sleep next to someone, they may frequently complain about how loud you are throughout the night – or you could even end up waking the whole house! If this sounds familiar to you, don’t ignore your snoring. While it may be difficult to reach a diagnosis – if left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea can actually lead to other, more dangerous, health complications. (more…)