Category: Sleep Apnea

Is Your Partner Snoring Regularly? It Could Be Sleep Apnea

Any problem that interferes with your ability to enjoy a full night’s rest can be something you are eager to correct. When the problem can be traced back to your partner’s snoring, the matter can become awkward. While people can be embarrassed about their snoring, you should bring it up with them. What you might… Read more »

3 Ways Sleep Is The Best! 

You hear all the time that sleep is important. You know, of course, from personal experience that getting sleep is nicer than not getting sleep. However, when you deal with a sleep disorder like serious snoring or sleep apnea for quite a while, it can be easy to slowly acclimate to this sleep-deprived lifestyle, as… Read more »

Things To Ask Yourself When You Rationalize Your Sleep Problem 

When your sleep is the focus of your concerns because one way or another, it’s becoming obvious that you’re not getting enough of it, you may not want to consider a sleep disorder. You may instead wish to rationalize what’s going on, in hopes that the issue goes away, you feel well rested again, and… Read more »

Using Your Sleep Apnea Treatment: New Ways To Remember!

Your sleep apnea treatment is amazing! You’re extremely excited about it, ready for it to do its thing, happy to be able to wave goodbye to the uncomfortable symptoms of interrupted sleep, and more! However, there’s just one problem: You can’t seem to remember to actually wear your treatment every night, which means you’re not… Read more »

Sleep Factors That Need Your Consideration 

You have already become well aware of the major sleep factor you need to take into consideration and hopefully have begun: It’s treatment with us! When you’re dealing with a sleep disorder, from serious snoring to sleep apnea, the primary form of treatment includes the solution you receive from our Livonia, MI practice (such as… Read more »

Do Additional Oral Health Problems Accompany Sleep Apnea?

You know that sleep apnea is already something that can cause a variety of serious problems for your health. However, it may suddenly occur to you that perhaps this sleep disorder is also bringing with it some accompanying concerns for your oral health. Your instincts have steered you correctly! Our Livonia, MI team reminds you… Read more »

Sleep Disorders: Why All Of This Detective Work Is So Important 

When there’s solid evidence to suggest a sleep disorder may be a part of your current life, it’s very important that you launch into some detective work. We encourage you, of course, to make this easy by coming in to see our Livonia, MI team for a sleep assessment, as we determine whether you’re dealing… Read more »

Sleep Disorders: Reasons You Really Need Professional Care! 

We know that there’s quite a lot of information online, that there are lots of treatment and remedy ideas around nearly every corner (and for just about anything imaginable), and that as a result, it seems like trying to treat problems on your own always seems like the best first step. However, when you think… Read more »

Quick Tips For A Comfortable Sleep Environment

It’s always worth reminding our patients that there are multiple factors involved in improving sleep. First, there’s ensuring you’re able to fall asleep. Next, there’s treating the actual source of what is causing you to wake up, once you’ve gotten there. As for snoring or sleep apnea, remember that we offer sleep treatment to help… Read more »

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: What Is It…Or Isn’t It?

You know that you may have sleep apnea and you also know that if this is the case, the tissues in your throat are collapsing as you sleep. Naturally, the result is that there are multiple times each night (hundreds, actually) when you stop breathing. This, obviously, is not good for your health in any… Read more »