Category: Sleep Disorders

Sleep Problems: Your Genes, Your Gender, And Your Greatest Option

When we talk about sleep disorders, we often find that people become confused about why they are dealing with the issue at hand and what to do about it. A prime source of confusion? Whether it’s just an inherited problem that is going to go on no matter what, whether it’s really only a problem… Read more »

A Few Good Reasons To Treat Sleep Problems

Sometimes, even when you know you’re experiencing some sort of issue that has to do with your health that you should treat, you convince yourself it’s no big deal. This is particularly true of issues like sleep disorders, from snoring to sleep apnea. Why? Well, because they’re a bit mysterious to you, you’re not completely… Read more »

It’s Nearly Christmas: What’s Sleep Got To Do With It?

The last thing you’re really thinking about in regard to Christmas is sleeping. What you’re thinking about is what everyone else is so excited about! There are presents to buy, presents to receive, meals to plan, shopping to complete, tables to set, decor to put up, and the list just keeps on going and growing…. Read more »

No Need For Sleep Disorder Confusion: Come See Us!

If you happen to hear from a friend or family member that snoring is no laughing matter, you may suddenly ask yourself: Do I need to schedule a visit with my Livonia, MI dentist? Perhaps my snoring is serious business! Then, you learn about sleep apnea, as well, and you discover that you are having… Read more »

Autumn Time Changes: Keeping Your Sleep On Track

There are some things that you can control and then there are things that will happen no matter what! When it comes to autumn’s arrival, there’s not a thing you can do about the change in temperature, daylight saving, and often your insatiable desire for comfort foods. So, what’s this have to do with your… Read more »

Sleep Apnea: Some Things You Just Can’t Control

Of course, you can control sleep apnea when you select sleep apnea treatment with our Livonia, MI team! However, you may wonder about why it’s happening to you. If you’ve learned some things about sleep disorders, then you know there are some lifestyle choices that may contribute to your breathing interruptions at night. These are… Read more »

Holiday Time Sleep Interrupters To Consider

On one hand, you imagine yourself snuggled up warm in your bed during holiday time! It’s the kind of stuff that holiday stories are made of, the details of with stick with you for life! On the other hand, you may visualize yourself at family get-togethers, eating, snacking, and staying up into the wee hours… Read more »

Halloween: What’s It Mean For Your Sleep?

Of course, you want to do everything right when you’re treating issues like sleep apnea. So, when big moments like holidays begin to head our way, part of you may wonder: Is there anything special you should do, think about, etc. to ensure this change in the usual schedule and flow of life doesn’t negatively… Read more »

Sleep Disorders: 2 Questions To Ask Before Your Head Hits The Pillow

When you’re treating a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, you want to try to make things as easy as possible, so you see your solutions as a streamlined part of your daily experience. Of course, it may take just a bit of getting used to as you begin but soon, it will just feel like… Read more »

Oral Appliances For Sleep Apnea: The Questions You Want To Ask!

Of course, it’s one thing to hear that all you really need to get your sleep apnea under control may be an oral appliance. “Just a mouthguard?” you might think to yourself. “How easy! Wonderful!” While your initial feelings may be those of relief, we know that some amount of anxiety may follow when you… Read more »