If you find that you are tired before noon, it may be a sign that you have an undiagnosed sleep disorder that is holding you back. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition in the United States, and it can lead to severe health complications if you ignore it. Apnea happens when your throat softens a bit too much during sleep, preventing you from properly breathing overnight, and this can often disguise itself as loud or aggressive snoring.
With our team of sleep science professionals in Livonia, MI, you can take positive steps in improving the quality of your rest with an oral appliance for your common sleep disorder. Talk to our team about what you are experiencing and discuss the possibility of a sleep assessment to gauge the quality of your overnight rest. If your doctor recommends treatment for your apnea concern, learn about the advantages of using an oral appliance to improve your sleep. This slim BPA-free appliance helps you to continue breathing overnight, while avoiding loud machines and invasive surgery! (more…)