How Can A Dentist Improve My Sleep?

Dr. Stewart treating your sleep problems can get you better rest. Believe it or not, oral health and sleep quality go hand in hand. Sleep apnea and snoring can prevent you from getting a good night’s rest and cause problems for your mouth. Dry mouth and tooth decay are just some issues that may be associated with sleep disorders. Other problems like teeth crowding, misalignment, and teeth grinding can exacerbate these disorders. If you feel groggy in the mornings even after resting for a full night, a family member tells you that you snore loudly and often, and you are looking for solutions, we’re here to help. At Dental Sleep Medicine in Livonia, MI, we’ll look at what may be causing these problems and assist you in getting the help you need.


Tired Before Lunch? Learn More About Common Sleep Disorders

Tired Before Lunch? Livonia MIIf you are having trouble getting moving in the morning, it could be a sign that it is time to speak with a professional. When you find that you are already tired before lunch, this may be a symptom of a common sleep disorder that is preventing you from receiving a full night of uninterrupted rest. Two of the five most common of these conditions actually relate to the structures of your mouth and throat, so an oral health professional can be a great place to start.

With the team of slumber experts at our sleep clinic in Livonia, MI, you have the opportunity to better understand your rest. This is a positive first step in finding a comfortable solution to treat your common sleep disorder, helping you to know what is happening overnight. Problems such as bruxism and chronic obstructive sleep apnea can be seriously harmful to your health, so take some time to talk with someone about treatment. Your common sleep disorder does not have to hold you back! (more…)

Embrace The Day With A Better Night Of Sleep

Embrace the Day Livonia MIIf you have been struggling with your nightly rest, then you know how much of a hassle it really can be. Lack of deep and restful sleep can lead to brain fog throughout the day, preventing you from being the best version of yourself possible. More than that, inadequate rest can be harmful to your overall health and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. An oral appliance can help you to embrace the day and be ready for whatever comes your way!

Talk to our helpful staff at our sleep clinic in Livonia, MI about what has been going on overnight in order to learn more about how to improve your rest. If your loved ones have mentioned their concern over your loud problem snoring, it may be a sign of chronic obstructive sleep apnea. This is a common sleep disorder where your own body prevents you from drawing a full breath overnight, and it can lead to problems, both immediate and long term. Schedule an appointment with our team to see if an oral appliance is the next step in improving your sleep! (more…)

An Oral Appliance For Sleep Apnea

Waking Up Livonia MIAre you missing out on quality rest each night due to your loud and intrusive snoring? If you struggle with your sleep, it may be time to talk with a sleep science expert about your situation. This can be a sign of a common condition known as chronic obstructive sleep apnea, and if left untreated, your sleep disorder can impact your daily life. Apnea patients are more likely to experience heart attack and stroke, so take your condition with the seriousness that it deserves.

With our team of helpful sleep science experts in Livonia, MI, you have an opportunity to treat your obstructive sleep apnea with a more comfortable and quiet solution. Through the use of a slim BPA-free guard, appliance-based therapy helps you to prevent your throat tissue from contact, helping you to breathe freely during sleep. An oral appliance can help you to avoid noisy machines and even surgery with a simple and effective method of sleep apnea treatment! (more…)

Struggling With Your Sleep? Learn About Appliance-Based Therapy

Clock Livonia MIIf you find that you are tired before noon, it may be a sign that you have an undiagnosed sleep disorder that is holding you back. Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition in the United States, and it can lead to severe health complications if you ignore it. Apnea happens when your throat softens a bit too much during sleep, preventing you from properly breathing overnight, and this can often disguise itself as loud or aggressive snoring.

With our team of sleep science professionals in Livonia, MI, you can take positive steps in improving the quality of your rest with an oral appliance for your common sleep disorder. Talk to our team about what you are experiencing and discuss the possibility of a sleep assessment to gauge the quality of your overnight rest. If your doctor recommends treatment for your apnea concern, learn about the advantages of using an oral appliance to improve your sleep. This slim BPA-free appliance helps you to continue breathing overnight, while avoiding loud machines and invasive surgery! (more…)