Does Snoring Mean You Have Sleep Apnea?

slpsnoreAre you being nudged, shaken, or elbowed during the night from your sleep partner because of your snoring? It is estimated that 90 million Americans snore, so there is a good chance you may be getting nudged. If so, both you and your partner are losing sleep and it can be frustrating. People don’t want to snore, and those that don’t snore (or at least think they don’t) don’t want to sleep with someone who does. What is snoring and what does it mean? Does snoring mean you have sleep apnea?


How Sleep Deprived Are You?

nosleepWe have all experienced being tired or sleepy. When we reach that point it can be almost impossible to function. When your body needs rest, it needs rest. We’ve also experienced how fresh, rejuvenated, and energetic a good night’s sleep can make us feel. The difference can be unbelievable. However, according to the American Psychological Association most people are sleep deprived. In fact, it may not be a question of whether or not you are sleep deprived, but rather how sleep deprived are you?


Dream Influences

emfIt is believed that all humans dream, but about 30 percent of people say they never dream. Does that mean they really do not have dreams, or that they just never remember their dreams? There is no way of knowing without in-depth tests and research, but there are some things that influence dreams for those of us that do dream. Our dreams can seem disjointed and downright weird at times, or cool and magical at other times. What influences our dreams?


Do You Have Any Of These Symptoms?

slpapnea1Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that many people are unaware they have because it happens while they are sleeping. In most cases, someone who has seen and heard them sleep brings it to their attention. However, you can have daytime symptoms that can indicate a sleep disorder. Do you know what to look for? Sleep apnea has a myriad of symptoms of which you can be aware: daytime symptoms, nighttime symptoms, painful symptoms, and more. Do you have any of these symptoms?


The Psychological Effects Of Sleep Loss

slpdprvWhen you are lying in bed at night tossing and turning you may become anxious because you aren’t sleeping because you know how lousy and tired you feel the next day. Lack of sleep makes you groggy, fuzzy, and grumpy, but it also has some serious side effects, and can even be life threatening. So whether you are lying awake because of your spouse’s snoring, suffering from insomnia, or suffering from some other sleep disorder, know the psychological effects of sleep loss so you can do something about it.


What You Can Do To Stop Snoring

ssA good night’s sleep does more than rejuvenate your energy and mood, children grow during sleep and when they say “sleep is the best medicine” that could be because you can heal while you are sleeping, too. More things go on while you are sleeping than just dreaming. One not so good thing that happens during sleep is snoring. If your snoring is waking you up at night, or keeping your spouse awake during the night, you may want to see what you can do to stop snoring.


Non-24 Sleep Disorder

blndLast year it was estimated that 39 million Americans are blind, 246 million have low vision, and 285 are visually impaired worldwide. The number of Americans who suffer from a chronic long-term sleep disorder is estimated to be around 40 million, while occasional sleep problems affect an additional 20 million. Sleep disorders can be caused by a number of issues depending on the disorder itself. However, Non-24 sleep disorder is a disorder that affects the totally blind.


Health Benefits Of Sleep

sleephealth When you become exhausted all you can think of is sleep. Being tired can make you grumpy, give you a headache, and more, but you know that after a good night’s sleep you will feel much better. But sleep doesn’t just rest your body and reenergize you. Sleep keeps you healthy. Adequate sleep not only makes you feel better, it is healthy for your mind, your weight, and your heart.  Read on to find out more about the health benefits of sleep.


Do You Have A Sleep Disorder?

slpdisMany people suffer from a sleep disorder without knowing it. That is because it is happening while they are asleep and they are not aware of it. Often they only find out when their spouse complains about their snoring. However, there are daytime symptoms that can indicate a sleep disorder such as waking up with a headache, still feeling tired after eight hours of sleep, lack of concentration, moodiness, and depression. Do you have a sleep disorder? If you suspect you or someone you know may have a sleep disorder, ask yourself the following questions.


5 Tips for Sleeping Better


If you have trouble sleeping, you understand just how losing crucial rest can affect you. Along with drowsiness during the day and difficulty focusing at work or school, losing sleep can also increase your risk of high blood pressure, depression, and other serious health complications. Fortunately, there are ways to identify the cause of your sleep issues and treat the issue, either with simple lifestyle changes or an oral appliance. Check out our five tips for sleeping better.
