Are You Dealing With UARS?

When you let problems with sleep go untreated, you make yourself vulnerable to several health concerns. Beyond experiencing a loss of energy and focus, you can have more difficulty managing your mood, struggles with short-term memory, and struggles with managing your physical health. One reason you might experience these issues is because of UARS, a condition that can occur when you are starting to struggle with sleep apnea. Because you may not snore or make labored breathing sounds at this point, it can be harder to recognize that it is affecting you. Fortunately, when you mention sleep-related issues to your Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist, you can receive information on treatment to help you enjoy better, healthier rest! (more…)

What Are My Sleep Apnea Risk Factors?

If you know you snore, should you assume that you have sleep apnea? If you have no idea whether or not you snore at night, is there any other way to know if this condition affects you? Questions about sleep apnea should not be taken lightly. After all, this is a condition that interferes with your sleep cycles and hampers your ability to enjoy the mental and physical benefits you expect from a full night’s rest. There are different reasons why a person might want to ask their Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist about this problem. Beyond looking out for issues like snoring and fatigue, you should think about discussing sleep apnea if you exhibit certain risk factors for the condition. (more…)

Technology And Oral Appliance Therapy

When it is not treated, a problem with sleep apnea can affect your mood, disrupt your ability to manage daily tasks, and threaten your physical health. When the issue is being managed, these concerns can be avoided, and you can once again enjoy a full night’s rest! At our Livonia/Detroit, MI area dental practice, we can offer successful care for this problem. Through the use of oral appliance therapy, we are able to correct nightly breathing issues without the need for a CPAP machine. To make planning treatment easier for you, we can use special technology to digitally map your mouth and oral structures, which means there will be no need to capture an uncomfortable physical mold. (more…)

How Appliance Therapy Deals With Sleep Apnea

Has the time come for you to look into sleep apnea treatment? It can become difficult to ignore that something is affecting your nightly rest. The snoring that occurs during the night can be embarrassing, and it can become harder to take care of daily tasks due to energy loss, irritability, and many other problems linked to this condition. You may not realize it, but you can find an answer to your problems by talking to your Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist! We can provide effective care for people who are struggling to rest properly. With a custom oral appliance, we can offer a more comfortable way of dealing with sleep apnea than you can find with a CPAP machine. (more…)

What Separates Snoring And Sleep Apnea?

Has your nightly snoring made you worry that you are experiencing sleep apnea? These conditions are connected, but not everyone who snores suffers from more serious issues with their nightly rest. Of course, it can point to your vulnerability to it. When soft tissues in the throat partially block your airways, you can make loud, lumbering sounds as you breathe as air pushes past those partial obstructions. People who have their airways completely restricted are forced out of their rest cycle to address the matter—this is a problem known as obstructive sleep apnea, which can rob you of important benefits connected to sleep. Our Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist’s office is prepared to help by providing an evaluation and treatment to ensure that you can breathe soundly through each night. (more…)

Sleep Apnea’s Disruptive Qualities

If you lack focus, have trouble with your mood and short-term memory, and even struggle to stay awake during the day, it could point to issues with sleep apnea. This problem affects a person during the night by disrupting their breathing while they sleep. Repeated disruptions force your body out of its resting state, breaking your sleep cycle and interfering with the recovery that is meant to take place overnight. At our Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist’s office, we can provide support through treatment for this condition. Because we offer oral appliance therapy to those dealing with obstructive sleep apnea, we can offer a meaningful form of support that does not require the use of a CPAP machine, which patients can sometimes find difficult to adjust to wearing. (more…)

Sleep Apnea And Your Hypertension Risk

Problems with high blood pressure, known as hypertension, can be a serious threat to your health. If you are not taking this problem seriously, it raises your risk for heart disease and can lead to a cardiac event or stroke! What might surprise you is how your nightly rest can interfere with your efforts to control your blood pressure. The disruption in your breathing while you sleep can cause a rise in blood pressure; because people who have disordered rest can experience interruptions throughout the night, there are repeated spikes that can lead to issues with hypertension. Our Livonia/Detroit, MI area dentist’s office is able to help. When your sleep apnea issues are identified, we can recommend treatment with an oral appliance, which can actually lead to success without the need for a CPAP machine! (more…)

Sleep Apnea’s Physical Toll

If sleep apnea interferes with your ability to complete your rest cycles during the night, you can experience difficulties with your physical and emotional well-being. A lack of energy can leave you listless and unfocused during the day. You can have a harder time managing other health problems, including problems with your mental health. The interference in your breathing caused by sleep apnea can even lead to problems with high blood pressure! Our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office is prepared to help. By offering treatment for sleep apnea with a custom oral appliance, we can make treatment for this difficult issue easier to fit into your daily life. (more…)

Sleep Apnea Relief Through Appliance Therapy

Once again, you found yourself struggling with fatigue, irritability, and a lack of focus, all signs of a poor night’s rest. For someone who misses out on a recommended amount of sleep, this can be expected. However, it can come as a surprise if you believe you should have enjoyed the right amount, and it can grow concerning when it continues to happen. What you may not realize is that your lack of rest can point to problems with sleep apnea. This condition interferes with your rest cycles, which need to be completed in order to help you gain the full health benefits of a night’s sleep. At our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office, we offer support to individuals who are struggling with this condition. By taking on your nightly breathing difficulties with a custom oral appliance, we can actually make your care surprisingly comfortable! (more…)

Improve Nightly Breathing With A Sleep Appliance

How is your sleep quality affecting your overall quality of life? People who struggle to breathe while at rest can have difficulties with snoring that make them self-conscious. Prolonged issues with air flow can turn into trouble with obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that can take a serious toll on your well-being as time passes. Our Livonia/Detroit, MI dentist’s office can help you manage this problem. What may surprise you is that we can actually help by offering a custom oral appliance for treatment even if you already struggle with sleep apnea. As an alternative to care with a CPAP machine, appliance therapy can make important treatment for nightly breathing difficulties easier for you! (more…)