Second-Hand Snoring: A Quiz

quizblueIf anyone has ever complained about your nightly snoring, you are running the risk of causing second-hand snoring. Have you always assumed that this loud, annoying noise that you’re creating while you sleep is something that is certainly worthy as the punch line of a joke or two – but that it’s not something to worry about? Or, perhaps your significant other consistently complaining about the sleep-time ruckus you create. This, of course, may lead you to recognize there’s some significance to the idea that your snoring causes serious side effects. Find out what you do – or do not – know by testing yourself.


Quiz: Sleep Apnea And Your Health

quizcardslightsIf you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea then you are probably already aware of the basics. You know that when you sleep at night, your throat muscles relax instead of remaining active. As a result, your throat tissues collapse, blocking your ability to breathe. Your brain, of course, recognizes the oxygen loss and nudges you awake to take a breath. As a result, a slew of symptoms will begin to appear on a daily basis. How much do you know about the side effects of this sleep disorder? Find out by quizzing your knowledge.


Quiz: Are You Making Sleep Apnea Worse?

worriedwomantankYou may not have thought much about the ways you’re contributing to sleep apnea if you’ve recently been diagnosed. The good news is that no matter what you do at home, we will offer treatment that will help keep you breathing comfortably and consistently through the night. The even better news is that you may be able to make some changes to your daily (and evening) routine that will promote successful treatment, so you can sleep soundly again.


Snoring Vs. Sleep Apnea: A Quiz

truefalsesignwoodsWhen you first begin learning about what’s wrong with your nightly sleep, you may find yourself a bit confused by terms. After all, snoring and sleep apnea both start with the letter “s” and are both disruptive to your ability to snooze soundly through the night. However, as you begin learning more about these sleep disorders, you will find that it becomes easier to remember their similarities and differences. Do you think you’re a master yet? Find out by testing your knowledge – you might even learn a new fact or two.


Oral Appliance Therapy: A Quiz

quizgreenAre you dealing with sleep apnea? If so, you will be happy to learn that we offer a variety of treatment solutions to improve nightly sleep. If you have already begun doing a bit of research into how we can help treat your sleep disorder, you may have come across oral appliance therapy. Typically the first approach to addressing your nightly sleep interruptions, this type of therapy is well suited to most patients. Curious how much you know about treatment (and how much you have yet to learn)? Quiz yourself to find out. Then, for further details or to begin treatment, contact us right away to schedule an appointment.


Who Does Sleep Apnea Affect?

womanquestiongreenFirst of all, you are well aware that sleep apnea has a significant effect on your daily life. Not only do you wake up to face a day of exhaustion but you also experience a variety of other common symptoms. Whether the side effects causing you the most grief include moodiness, trouble concentrating, a sore throat when you wake up, dry mouth, or even headaches, you may be overlooking something: This sleep disorder is certainly harming your daily quality of life – but did you ever stop to wonder who else it may be affecting? Test your knowledge to learn a bit more about what makes seeking treatment so essential.


What is a Sleep Assessment?

stewartsleepassessmentEvery night millions of Americans struggle to fall asleep and obtain the deep rest necessary to function during work or school. In order to identify the cause of your sleep troubles and recommend treatment, a diagnosis is needed. What is a sleep assessment? With a thorough diagnosis you’re one step closer to finally receiving the rest you need.


Do You Know Why We Snore?

snoring quizSnoring is a common occurrence. It is estimated that close to half the population of adults sometimes snores and a quarter are chronic snorers. Snoring becomes more frequent with age. More men than women snore. And being overweight contributes to snoring. Snoring is like bruxing (the chronic habit of grinding and clenching your teeth). You have no idea you are doing it because you are asleep. Do you know why we snore? Take the true or false quiz below to see how much you know.
