Chronic obstructive sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders, and it can cause lasting damage to your circulatory system. These patients routinely suffer from higher blood pressure. This in turn leads to more instances of heart attack and stroke in those with apnea, as well as long term heart disease. An oral appliance can help you to rest easier by repositioning your jaw just a bit forward so that your airway remains open throughout the night. Receive adequate oxygen through the use of this non-surgical method.
There are dental concerns related to overactive sleepers, as well. Apnea patients may also suffer from a condition known as bruxism. This is the grinding of teeth overnight as an unconscious activity. A guard between the teeth can help to limit the enamel wear and protect your smile from dental erosion. If you are on the fence about treating your sleep apnea, discover how an oral appliance from Dr. James Stewart, DDS, in Livonia, MI could help you to continue to smile with confidence! (more…)