Diet Tweaks for Better Sleep

Healthful eating habits and restful sleep can go hand in hand. By the same token, when eating habits get lax, it can be harder to fall asleep and to stay asleep.  If a busy schedule means more meals from the office vending machines, or grabbed on the go, you may notice the effect come bed time. Summer travel, vacation fun and family get togethers can also mean healthy eating habits slip. If you are waking with a morning headache, or feeling tired and sluggish, a change in diet might make a difference. (more…)

Sleep Apnea: A Review Of What To Look For

You might be wondering what’s going on with you these days. Then, you stumble across a problem called sleep apnea. You read the symptoms of this disorder. Suddenly, it all comes together: You probably need sleep apnea treatment! While it’s very possible you’re right on target, remember that it’s also possible you are mixing up symptoms of one problem with this particular issue. For the clarity you need, come in for a visit. For a quick review of the symptoms, we’ve got you covered right now!


Caffeine Sources You Never Considered!

You know the usual suspects when it comes to caffeine: When you find yourself feeling jittery or you’re having trouble falling asleep (which isn’t helpful for your sleep apnea treatment), you can quickly trace it back to that coffee, macchiato, cola, tea, or huge chocolate bar that you had. Yep. That was probably what did it, you will think to yourself! However, what’s to blame when you feel like you’ve consumed caffeine but none of these items made an appearance in your day? Remember that this stimulant is often present when you least expect it! Consider some potentially very surprising sources (and remember, always read ingredients).


Sleep Apnea: Your CPAP Quiz!

When you have found yourself in exploratory mode in regard to sleep apnea treatment, you will discover there are quite a lot of ways to handle this nighttime breathing disorder. One of the common forms of treatment you will learn about is the CPAP machine. Have you already begun learning about it? See how much education you’ve soaked up (or increase your knowledge) with a quiz!


What Your Sleep Should Be Like

If it’s been a long time since you got a good night’s sleep (or since you remember feeling rested during the day, at the very least), then you may not feel you have a solid grasp on what sleep should be like anymore. We’d like to remind you of the major details. When you deal with a sleep disorder like snoring or sleep apnea for a long time, your perspective on what’s normal can become a bit distorted. You may suddenly find yourself thinking, “Oh good, my snoring only woke me up three times last night!” when it shouldn’t be affecting you at all! Let us clue you in!


I Never Had Sleep Problems Before: Why Now?

Perhaps you’re certain that you have always slept well. You don’t remember ever being fatigued before, dealing with headaches, having trouble staying asleep, or snoring. So, what happened? What shifted that transitioned you from someone with an exceptional ability to sleep soundly through the night to someone who requires care for a sleep disorder? Let’s help you begin understanding what may be going on with your body (and what to do).


Sleep Disorders: What’s With The Bad Breath?

It’s not as if you don’t have enough of a problem going on with your sleep disorder! You’re already exhausted, you may be dealing with headaches, and the list of symptoms goes on. However, throwing bad breath into the mix of your concerns is just adding insult to injury! Why is this happening, you may wonder, and is there really anything you can do about it? As you may have guessed, this is often a symptom connected to your sleeping issue and something we can most certainly address.


Sleep Apnea: 3 Things To Do On Our Website

As you’re dealing with sleep apnea or other sleep issues, you may start to wish you had some quick, easy solution to make things better. Fortunately, getting yourself the treatment that you need, so you can sleep well again, is often as simple as coming in to see our team to find out how we may help. Even more relieving? Getting yourself from point A (home, dealing with a sleep disorder) to point B (a consultation at our practice) is so simple, thanks to our very user-friendly website. Consider a few steps to take for a simple experience.


Simple Suggestions For Sleep Apnea Patients

When you first delve into the world of sleep disorders and sleep apnea treatment, you may feel like you’re being introduced to complexities you’ve never considered before. You think about the symptoms, the potential health problems that can come up down the line if you avoid treatment, and the list continues. Today, we’d like to stick to some very simple suggestions that will help you along throughout your journey toward recovering the relaxing, truly restful sleep you once enjoyed!
