Treat Sleep Apnea In 2015

sleeponlaptopDid you recently learn that you suffer from sleep apnea? Have you been thinking about waiting until 2016 to finally visit us for sleep apnea treatment because these are simply very busy months? We understand that it can become difficult to schedule care for yourself, particularly when the holidays are in full swing. However, we strongly suggest you think carefully and revisit your dental insurance benefits for 2015, so you don’t miss out on potential coverage or care. Consider some recommendations, so you say goodbye to the current calendar year in peace.


Holiday Tips For Sleep Apnea

christmaslightsunfocusedAre you a patient dealing with sleep apnea? Have you begun your sleep apnea treatment or is this something that you just discovered is affecting your life? In either case, making your way through the holidays can present a set of challenges that you can either fall victim to or easily overcome. To promote thorough, uninterrupted sleep, allow us to offer some helpful holiday tips. You will find that achieving the rest you need for a full, enjoyable season is easier than it seems.


The Health Risks That Come with Sleep Apnea

health risks that come with sleep apneaBy itself, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can pose a serious risk to your overall health. OSA describes the frequent cessation of breathing while you sleep due to oral tissues blocking your airway, and repeated interruptions to your sleep as your body is forced to start breathing again.

Besides depriving you of sleep and oxygen, obstructive sleep apnea can significantly increase your risks of chronic systemic health issues in the future. Finding an appropriate treatment for sleep apnea can help you avoid these health risks in the future, in addition to helping you rest more soundly in the present. (more…)

Soothing Options For Sleep Apnea

sleepapneablondehappyWhen it comes to suffering from sleep apnea, there’s a seemingly endless list of factors that may contribute to your sleep disorder. The wonderful news is that seeking sleep apnea treatment with us will address the underlying concern – your collapsing throat muscles and tissues – to assist in keeping your air passages open for consistent breathing. However, just like anyone might suddenly wake up or struggle with achieving deep sleep, common culprits of interrupted nightly sleep can make matters worse for you. Consider a few helpful tips to make the most of your efforts in receiving a full night of sleep.


3 Compelling Reasons To Schedule A Visit

reasonsblocksAre you a little bit nervous about scheduling a visit to see us because you might find out that you need sleep apnea treatment? Perhaps you are not nervous, you simply assume you’re just a heavy snorer and that it’s just a part of life. Whatever the case, we strongly encourage anyone who snores or has been told they snore, toss and turn, or make gasping noises during the night to schedule a consultation. Learn a bit more about why it’s so important to address sleep disorders – you will find treatment is surprisingly easy and it can have a significantly positive impact on both your sleep and daily life.


Quiz: Sleep Apnea And Irregular Heartbeat

heartbeatHave you been experiencing some strange sensations like heart palpitations? Have you already been diagnosed with sleep apnea or do you simply have a hunch that this sleep disorder may be the cause of your daily problems (such as exhaustion and difficulty concentrating)? Individuals who struggle with this sleep disorder are often surprised to discover that unnerving symptoms such as irregular heartbeat are often associated with interrupted nightly sleep. To learn a bit more about this symptom and to motivate you to speak with us about sleep apnea treatment, take yourself through a quick quiz.


Your Sleep Apnea Consultation

sleepingwomanhappyHave you been wondering if you may suffer from sleep apnea? This is a complicated sleep disorder when it comes to self-diagnosis because many patients rely on information provided by friends or loved ones who witness the event. The good news is that determining whether you should schedule a sleep apnea consultation is simple. Wondering how to go about figuring this out and what to expect if you should need a visit? Allow us to explain.


Q&A: Sleep Apnea And Headaches

questionmarkyellowWhen we hear that a patient suffers from a certain type of chronic headache, our antennae for sleep-apnea-related problems goes up right away. You see, this sleep disorder results in a wide array of symptoms that do not always tip off the sufferer that sleep apnea is the underlying cause. The good news, however, is that by scheduling six-month dental checkups, we can listen to your concerns, ask the right questions, and quickly diagnose you with this sleep disorder. By following this up with sleep apnea treatment, you can enjoy relief from associated side effects, including those frustrating headaches. Become more familiar with the details by considering some common questions (and answers).


Sleep Apnea And High Blood Pressure

sleepapneaIf you have recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea then you know that this problem brings with it a variety of symptoms and potentially long-term side effects. In fact, nightly interrupted sleep can even damage your health if you avoid sleep apnea treatment for too long. For example, patients are often surprised to learn that this sleep disorder may lead to high blood pressure, which subsequently places you at a greater risk for additional complications. Curious about the connection between your nightly sleep problem and your blood pressure? Allow us to provide you with some clarification with a quick Q&A session.


Sleep Apnea: Throat And Mouth Symptoms

womanholdingthroat2When it comes to strange side effects of sleep apnea, such as dry mouth and sore throat, you might not know what to make of these sensations. In addition, you may wonder if they’re normal and may even assume they’re too minor to ask us about. Rest assured – we are happy to answer all of your questions. Even the less challenging side effects are significant for us to address! It’s important to keep in mind that the sooner you schedule an appointment with us, the sooner we can provide effective treatment. In the meantime, let us help you decipher what’s happening in your body and explain how we can help.
